Once every year, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the owners is held. An AGM of the owners is typically held within six (6) months after the fiscal year end. Our fiscal year end is October 31st.
Subject to the regulations, the corporation, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, prepare financial statements for the corporation’s preceding fiscal year and distribute copies of the financial statements to each of the owners. This is also when the new Board of Directors is voted in.
During the AGM we also come together as a community to discuss projects that took place, projects we would like to see and any issues that have come up over the year.
Please see below for notices of AGMs and summaries.
DATE: September 25, 2024
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Southview Alliance Church 20200 Walden Blvd. SE, Legacy Room (upstairs)
2024 AGM Summary
On January 19, 2023 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended.
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- The first Board election that required votes was held. THIS IS FANTASTIC as more then just seven people wanted to join. You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- Sub-Committees were discussed to which the Board will review to determine where the most help is needed in the community.
DATE: January 19, 2023
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Chaparral Village, East Building Meeting Room
2023 AGM Summary
On January 19, 2023 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended.
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- The first Board election that required votes was held. THIS IS FANTASTIC as more then just seven people wanted to join. You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- Sub-Committees were discussed to which the Board will review to determine where the most help is needed in the community.
Your AGM is scheduled for September 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Details are:
DATE: September 16, 2021
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: In the middle garden of the community
If the weather does not cooperate, the meeting will be postponed to September 23, 2021.
2021 AGM Summary
On September 16, 2021 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended.
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- A round of applause was given to long-term Board members Jim Carroll and Dianne McGillis for their contrbutions to the community.
- A presentation was made by our Reserve Fund Investment Advisor, Samia Preston from MATCO Financial.
- Andrew went over the Standard Unit Definition and urged residents to contact their insurance providers to ensure that they have the appropriate level of insurance coverage.
- The insurance claim from the July 2, 2021 hail storm was discussed and the special levy that is due April 1, 2022.
- EuroContruction was approved by the Insurance Adjuster to complete the repairs on our buildings from the hail storm. EuroConstruction was also the operation that installed the siding and completed all the upgrades we saw in 2020.
- There was a discussion about installing security cameras in the community. The Baord will investigate.
Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
2020 AGM Summary
On February 11, 2020 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a record meeting in that it only took 45 minutes. That HAS to be a record!
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- A disussion was had about the community insurance. Our insurance premiums have increased by 35%. It's important for you to have a conversation with your insurance provider/broker to ensure you are covered. The insurance certificate that was emailed to you should also be shared with them as well. Please email Andrew if you have any questions.
- There was a short discussion about the start of the siding project. The start date starts at Mid-March, weather permitting. Updates will be on the Community Update page as they are available.
Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
2019 AGM Summary
On March 19, 2017 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended. It was another great and FAST meeting - we tied with last year at 55 minutes in total!
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- Your Board will be conducting a walkabout on April 23, 2019. Please be sure to email any issues to CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com.
Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
Thank you again to all that attended. Stay tuned to the website for updates.
You are invited to snack on the wonderful selections of chocolate bars, coffee and water that will be provided by Andrew, our Property Manager, at our next AGM. Details are:
Date: Thursday March 15, 2018 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Chaparral Village Conference Room (same place as last year)
The only requirement is you must be an owner or act as a proxy for an owner.
Please consider participating in your AGM. Your voice matters!
2018 AGM Summary
On March 15, 2017 the AGM was held. Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a great and FAST meeting - 55 minutes in total! That must be a record!
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- Your Board will be inspecting the siding on the buildings to determine whether we should start the process of replacing it. More information will be posted on the website.
Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
Thank you again to all that attended. Stay tuned to the website for updates.
Date: MARCH 23, 2017Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: CHAPARRAL VILLAGE MEETING ROOM (same place as last year)
There will be DONUTS and COFFEE!
2017 AGM Summary
On March 23, 2017 the AGM was held, It was wonderful to see familiar and new faces. Thank you to all who attended.
If you were unable to attend, here is a quick summary of what was discussed.
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE.
- You have a new Board. Check out who was elected HERE.
- As of November 1, 2017 the City of Calgary will make a multi-family food and yard waste mandatory. That means Chaparral Estates will need to have a compost program in place prior to November 1, 2017. We will need to re-examine our disposal bins and possibly look at downsizing. Of course, your Board will advise you of any changes.
- Your Board will be inspecting the siding on the buildings. We will determine the level of need and/or repair of the existing siding. Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
- The application used on the stairs and approaches was discussed. Your Board will review the feedback received from Residents that already have it and determine if any units may require the application.
- The CCI Condo of the Year plaque was proudly displayed and a discussion was had bout how Chaparral Estates can benefit on being chosen the BEST. Your Board will look into ideas on how to capitalize on this distinguish honour.
Any updates will be posted to the Community Updates page.
Thank you again to all that attended. Stay tuned to the website for updates.
Your Annual General Meeting has been booked. Details are:
DATE: March 15, 2016 TIME: 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Chaparral Village Conference Room
Chaparral Village is the Condo-Apartments directly south of Chaparral Estates. Please go to the building that is directly on your left when you enter the parking lot. This is the same place as last year.
There will be donuts and coffee for your enjoyment.
It was SO GREAT to see so many faces at the AGM. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend. If you weren't, here are some of the topics that were discussed:
- An overview of all the projects we completed, deferred and cancelled last year. You can review them HERE
- We discussed rental units and the responsibility of the owners to ensure all renters are aware that their renters are required to abide by the Condo By-Laws. To refresh your memory about our By-Laws you can find them HERE
- Your Board will look at the possibility of security cameras for the community
- You have a new Board! Check out who you elected HERE
- We will have a new landscaper/snow removal company beginning on April 1, 2016
- We are looking for interested community members to be a part of a garening committee. If you would like a say in what our community gardens (front, west side, middle) will look like, please consider joining
- The Walkabout will take place on March 30, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. If there are any issues that you would like us to take note of please email CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com. Also, if you have a pet that has damaged the grass over the winter months, please report it to the Board now that you are aware and will be repairing the grass; this way you will not recieve a letter from Andrew.
Again - thank you to everyone that was able to attend. Your participation only makes our community better!
Your AGM is scheduled for March 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Details are:
DATE: March 5, 2015
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Chaparral Village Conference Room
Chaparral Village is the Condo-Apartments directly south of Chaparral Estates. Please go to the building that is directly on your left when you enter the parking lot. This is the same place as last year.
There will be donuts and coffee for your enjoyment.
2015 AGM Summary
Thank you to everyone that attended the AGM on March 5, 2015. It was so nice to see a great turnout.
A recap of some of the discussions were:
SPEEDING - There are too many speeders in our community both residents and non-residents. The community is committed to observing and reporting speeders on our roadway. If you are a resident and are reported as speeding, prepare for a notice/warning that may result in a fine.
The Board was given some great tips on reducing speed on our roadway which we will investigate.
PARKING - People parking on the roadway will not be tolerated. If you park on the roadway there will be NO NOTICE and you will be towed immediately.
SUMP PUMPS - If you are a unit that has a sump pump please note that the service of these sump pumps is YOUR responsibility. They are getting older and it has been recommended to have them serviced every year.
NEW BOARD MEMBERS: You have elected your new Board members for the 2015/2016 year. They are:
- Tia Maria Melnechenko
- Jim Carroll
- Dianne McGillis
- Cyndy Russell
- Grant Brown
Positions will be voted on at the next Board meeting and posted here.
Thank you again for attending.
Your AGM is scheduled for March 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Details are:
DATE: March 12, 2014
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Chaparral Village Conference Room
Chaparral Village is the Condo-Apartments directly south of Chaparral Estates. Please go to the building that is directly on your left when you enter the parking lot. This is the same place as last year.
There will be donuts and coffee for your enjoyment.
2014 AGM Notes
Thank you to all that attended the AGM. Please see notes below that your Board will work on:
PARKING: The Parking Policy that does not allow owners to park in Visitors' Parking will continue to be enforced.
SPEED LIMIT: In order to cut down on the cars speeding within our community, a 15 km/h speed limit will be strictly enforced. Additionally the Board will investigate having speed bumps installed on our road.
FRONT DOORS: There was an interest in providing different options for front doors. The Board will investigate and provide 3 different styled doors for those that are interested in replacing them.
2013 AGM Details
Your AGM has been set. Please see details below ...
When: Thursday April 11, 2013 Time: 7:00 p.m. Where: Chaparral Village Conference Room Chaparral Village are the Condo-Apartments directly south of Chaparral Estates. More details to follow.
Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM. We had a record turnout!
Board appointments will be conducted next week and posted on the website. If you have any concerns, suggestions or comments WE WANT TO KNOW! Please email CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com.
2012 AGM Details
Your AGM is booked for
April 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
South Fish Creek Recreation Complex
(100 - 333 Shawville Blvd. SE)
Flames Room
You will be receiving the audited financials in your mailbox shortly along with a proxy, in case you are not able to attend the AGM and would like your vote to count.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email your Board at CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com.
Thank you to all those who attended the AGM. What a great turnout and wonderful suggestions and ideas. Your new Board will meet shortly to be hard at work addressing the issues that were discussed.
To familiarize yourself with your new Board, please click HERE.
2011 AGM Details
Your AGM is booked for
April 20, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
South Fish Creek Recreation Complex
(100 - 333 Shawville Blvd. SE)
Bob Trail Blazer 1 Room
You will be receiving the audited financials in your mailbox shortly along with a proxy, in case you are not able to attend the AGM and would like your vote to count, and a hard copy of the website survey, for those with no internet access.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email your Board at CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com.
Thank you to all the owners who made it out to the AGM. The discussions and suggestions were great. Your ideas will help direct your Board to prioritize projects for the uncoming year.
The Walkabout is still set for May 9, 2011. Please be sure to email any external issues you would like reviewed to CondoBoard@chaparral-estates.com
For archived Community Updates, please click here: ENTER