Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

PLEASE BE ADVISED:  Chaparral Estates roadways are categorized as FIRE LANES.  As per City of Calgary By-law, NO PARKING is allowed in FIRE LANES at any time - NO EXCEPTIONS.  Any vehicle not parked in designated parking stalls will be ticketed with a minimum $100.00 fine and towed at the owners expense by either the Corporation, Calgary Parking Authority or both.

Chaparral Estates has 9 parking stalls available for visitor parking.  These stalls are for visitors only and are continuously monitored by both the community and Calgary Parking Authority.  

If you are parked in an area that is clearly identified as NO PARKING, you WILL BE TOWED.

Should you have a visitor that will require overnight parking, please complete the following form or RISK BEING TOWED:
Did you know that the monitoring of parking is a voluntary service provided by your Board and concerned community members? 

Monitoring visitor parking and roadway parking is completed by volunteers in your community and by Calgary Parking Authority; this is not something that your condo fees pay for.

If parking is important to you, please consider joining the Parking Committee by emailing