Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

If you require any documentation that relates to buying or selling property within Chaparral Estates, please email for information.

Prairie Management Chaparral Estates Website

If you have a service request or need to update your information with our Prairie Management, please click HERE to gain access to Prairie Management's Chaparral Estates Request Website.  This website was created to streamline all requests so they can be addressed efficiently.

Prairie Management & Realty

#106 - 14 Crystalridge Drive

(300 m north of the Okotoks Fountain Tire)

Okotoks, Alberta T1S 1J7


tel: (403) 995-2810

fax: (403) 995-2870


All questions should be directed to our Property Manager:

Andrew Fulcher


Get Directions To:
14 Crystalridge Drive
calgary Albert t1s 1j7