Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

Canadian Condominium Institute

CCI Review - Summer 2018

Please click below for the Summer 2018 Newsletter
CCI Review - Spring/Summer 2017

Please click HERE for the Spring/Summer 2017 Newsletter
CCI Review - Winter 2017

Please click HERE for the Winter 2017 Newsletter
CCI Review - Summer 2015

Please click HERE for the Summer 2015 Newsletter

Dear Member:

Welcome to another great and productive year with the Canadian Condominium Institute, South Alberta Chapter.  We would like to welcome back those that have previously been involved with CCI and to offer a warm welcome to those who are just joining us.


Attached is the notice for our Annual General Meeting to be held Thursday, September 24, 2015 at our BRAND NEW VENUE The Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre 1316 33rd Street NE in Calgary.  We will be running a networking session after the AGM with our newly elected Board of Directors and the rest of our membership. This is your opportunity to get to know our Board and voice your opinion on what you want CCI to offer in the 2015/2016 year.

If you would like to nominate someone to the Board or personally volunteer, please fill out the attached Consent/Nomination form and return to the office by the registration deadline of September 18, 2015 so we may prepare the Ballot in advance. We encourage anyone who is interested in joining an evolving, committed Board of Directors to nominate themselves or someone they feel would be an asset to our organization.

To register for the AGM, please forward the attached notice to the office by Friday, September 18, 2015

If you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to send a designated representative for your membership, please fill out the Proxy form that is included with the notice and send it to the meeting with your representative, as well as let the office know when you register for the luncheon.

Note: You must be a current paid member to vote at the AGM so please ensure your renewals are up to date prior to the meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office at or (403) 253 -9082.




Melanie Bennett, Office Administrator

Canadian Condominium Institute

South Alberta Chapter

PO BOX 38107

CalgaryAB T3K 4Y0

 Phone:  (403) 253-9082 Fax:  (403) 220-1215

E-mail: Website:

RECA Licensing Update

Dear Member,

Please review the document below from Karen King, Condominium Manager Project Coordinator for RECA (Real Estate Council of Alberta).

The Government of Alberta passed amendments to the Condominium Property Act in December 2014. These amendments require the licensing and regulation of condominium managers. As the governing body, RECA has set up a Condominium Managers Implementation Advisory Committee (CMIAC) consisting of selected individuals from the industry. There is also a representative from CCI to advocate on behalf of our membership. Meetings and discussion have commenced in effort to develop the framework to implement these changes. We encourage our membership to complete the survey. We also have a desire to have Karen King from RECA speak to our membership at one of our Fall luncheons.


Greg Cortese

President, CCI South Alberta Chapter

Spring 2015 Newsletter

For your reading enjoyment ......



As an owner in this condominium you are a member of CCI, the Canadian Condominium Institute.


CCI is a national, non-profit organization that provides education and research on condominium issues and activities. They also lobby provincial and federal government for improvements to legislation and advocate for higher standards in all services to condominium clients.


As a member of CCI you are eligible to attend meetings and educational seminars in Calgary.


You are also granted access to the members-only website where you can access newsletters and legal cases, as well as a discussion forum. The website is, please email for the password.


We hope that you take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn more about CCI and condo living.

Service Alberta Notice to Bill 9: The Condominium Property Act (CPA)

To All CCI South Alberta Members –


For your information, please see below email from Service Alberta’s Mark SevilleManager, Market and Industry Standards, Consumer Services Division.



Please accept my thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Condominium Property Act (CPA) review team for the time and the expertise you have contributed to identifying issues and refining options for the CPA.


On December 17, 2014, Bill 9: the Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2014 was given Royal Assent.  These amendments create important new protections for owners and improve consumer confidence in the condominium market while establishing reasonable and fair obligations on developers and condominium managers.


Amendments to the Act were first tabled in the spring of 2014 through Bill 13 and stakeholders were invited to review and provide input on the proposed changes.  Refinements contained in Bill 9 are based largely on the input received. Where stakeholders were divided on specific issues, Service Alberta sought a balance among various points of view and considered research results when making policy decisions.


The changes in Bill 9 serve to:

  • Improve protection for purchasers;
  • Improve protection for existing owners;
  • Enhance board transparency and accountability;
  • Allow for efficient governance;
  • Raise standards in Alberta’s condominium management sector; and
  • Enhance dispute resolution.


Many of the new amendments will require a transitional period to allow stakeholders to become familiar with the new rules and adjust their operational activities to reflect them. This could involve new forms and contracts, new procedures, changes to bylaws, system changes and training of employees.


Work will soon begin on the Regulations, including details for the workings of the dispute tribunal, clarification of insurance obligations of corporations and owners and consultations on standards for condominium managers, which will be led by the Real Estate Council of Alberta.  This work will provide additional opportunity for input to the condominium legislative framework. We will connect in early 2015 with more detail on how the regulations are being developed, and about opportunities for your organizations to become involved.


Attached is an article prepared by Service Alberta that may be used in your organization’s newsletter or to inform clients and other contacts about the changes to the legislation.  For further updates on the CPA and regulations, I encourage you to monitor our website at


Thank you again for your extensive contributions to this important project.





Mark Seville

Manager, Market and Industry Standards

Consumer Services Division

Service Alberta

Phone 780-422-8228

Fax       780-427-3033




Notice to all CCI Members

Contact: John McDougall, CCI South Alberta Secretary

Phone: (403)231-8206




The Canadian Condominium Institute, South Alberta Chapter, provides further information on the status of Bill 9: Condominium Property Amendment Act.

The Canadian Condominium Institute – South Alberta branch (“CCI-SA”) released a preliminary review of the amendments to the Condominium Property Act (“Act”) proposed in Bill 9 in December 2014.  The Board of CCI-SA has received several responses to that first press release and determined that there is confusion about the status of the Bill and whether it is now valid and in force as Alberta law or not.  The history of the Bill is as follows:


Bill 9 — Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2014 (Olesen)

First Reading — 237 (Dec. 1, 2014 aft., passed)

Second Reading — 336-38 (Dec. 3, 2014 aft.), 428-33 (Dec. 8, 2014 eve., passed)

Committee of the Whole — 470-75 (Dec. 9, 2014 aft.), 477-80 (Dec. 9, 2014 eve., passed with amendments)

Third Reading — 495-500 (Dec. 10, 2014 aft., passed)

Royal Assent — (Dec. 17, 2014 outside of House sitting)


However, it is important to note that section 62 of the Bill states that the Act comes into force “upon Proclamation”. Royal Assent is not the same thing as Proclamation, and so as of the date of this press release Bill 9 is not valid or in effect as Law in the Province of Alberta. 


Further, given the number of amendments in the Bill that require “Regulations” to support and further clarify the changes, it is likely that the government of Alberta will proclaim the amendments in stages rather than all at once. If certain sections in an Act refer to Regulations that do not exist, those sections of the Act presumably, and from a practical perspective, cannot be proclaimed into Law. For example, Bill 9 creates a Tribunal, however, the sections that deal with the Tribunal cannot be proclaimed when there is no Tribunal in existence. Accordingly, it is uncertain how the government will deal with this issue.


CCI-SA has also received substantive responses to the amendments proposed to the Act.  However, given the number of significant changes proposed in the Bill, and the uncertainty of when each of those amendments may be proclaimed into Law, CCI-SA is reluctant to comment further on specific amendments and whether they are positive, or of concern. Further press releases shall be forthcoming in response to announcements from the government of Alberta.


Kindly address your questions, objections and concerns to us so that as the voice for condominium owners in Southern Alberta we may continue to review and advocate on your behalf. For more information please visit our website at or contact John McDougall, CCI South Alberta Secretary at (403) 231-8206 or E-Mail:


The Canadian Condominium Institute – South Alberta Chapter

“To educate and advocate for condominium corporations and unit owners.”


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