Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

Chaparral Estates Pets

Pets are welcome at Chaparral Estates and pet owners love to share how much they are loved.  Enjoy the pictures below of some of our furry, feathery, scaly pets that call Chaparral Estates home.

Meet Toffee!  If you are having a bad day - Toffee will make that bad day a distant memory with licks and love.  If you see this bundle of joy going for a daily walk, be sure to stop and say HI!
Many of you have seen this black ball of cuddly fur zooming around the complex literally dragging his humans.  Meet Rascal who, on December 27, 2020, celebrated his 1st birthday.  

Happy Birthday Rascal!
This is Nilo.  

If you say "Hi" he will bark at you.  If you say "My, you're handsome" he will bark at you.  If you say "Don't be a jerk" he will bark at you.  Nilo likes to bark!

Nilo is a rescue from Mexico and likes to lay in the sun.  He is a snuggle bug but on his terms.

If you see Nilo be sure to say "Hi" to him and his staff.  He will, of course, bark!