Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

The Walkabout was conducted April 27, 2017.  The items listed here are projects your Board is working on.
2017 Projects

2017 Ongoing Projects

All 2017 Projects are either completed, deferred or cancelled.  Please see below.

2017 Completed Projects

Brick Repairs:
The brick facade on the front of the garages are pulling away from the building.  The Board is investigating how to proceed to repair the brick work.

UPDATE: This was completed on October 30, 2017
Multi-Family Food and Yard Waste:
As of November 1, 2017 Chaparral Estates will be required by City of Calgary to separate food and yard waste from the garbage for composting or diversion. Click HERE for more information from the City of Calgary.  

Currently your Board is pricing out options and will have something in place this summer.  

Updates will be posted here.

UPDATE: Bins were delivered to the community on October 14, 2017.  Our Organic recycling program has begun.  

This project is completed.
Road Repairs:
There are some spots on the roadway that require attention.  

Quotes have been requested and updates will be posted here.

UPDATE:  All-Star Paving will be on site within the next month to repair the roadway and the gaps under the brick facade by the garage doors.

UPDATE: All-Star Paving has completed the paving repairs under the brick work and will be here Monday July 24, 2017 to complete the crack filling on our roadway.

UPDATE: All Star Paving has completed the road repairs for this year.
Garage Door Repairs:
There are some garage doors in the community that have been identified as in need of repair or replacement.  Owners involved have been contacted.  Expected date of completion is June 17, 2017.

UPDATE:  All garage doors have either been repaired or replaced.
Slow Drains:
During the 2017 AGM some Residents voiced concern over slow drains.  Andrew arranged for Reggin to come onsite and investigate.  Reggin is scheduled to visit all the units that have concerns on April 10, 2017.

UPDATE: Reggin was on site on April 10,2017 and visited all the units that had issues with slow drains.  All issues are deemed resolved.
Community Vegetable Garden:
There has been some interest in starting a community garden where residents can grow their own vegetables.  We are currently pricing out this project.

If you are interested in participating in a "food grow co-op" please email so you can be connected with other interested residents.

Any updates will be posted here.

2016 UPDATE: The Board is reaching out to the Community to determine interest in constructing and maintaining a Community Garden.  If you are interested and would like to participate, please email

2016 UPDATE: This project has been deferred to the 2017 year so the board can get more feedback from the community.

2017 UPDATE: Your Board will review this project for the coming summer.

2017 UPDATE: A location for the Community Garden has been set.  A patch along the west stucco wall (in the burm) will be allocated for this garden use.  If you are interested in participating in the group, please email to get in touch with the Coordinator.

This project is deemed completed.
Spring Clean-up:
Pro Property will be on site to conduct the spring clean-up on Tuesday April 25, 2017, weather permitting.  Please ask any guests to park outside the community that day so the entire roadway can be cleaned. 

UPDATE: Due to weather the spring clean-up has been postponed to Tuesday May 2, 2017.

UPDATED:  The clean-up was completed on May 2, 2017. 

2017 Deferred Projects

Flag Pole:
This year Canada turns 150 years old.  As a community we are looking at the possibility of installing a flag pole to show off our Canadian Pride.  

Your Board is investigating pricing and location and should it be approved it will be posted here.

UPDATE:  Due to issues in getting quotes this project has been deferred.
Concrete Steps and Approaches:
The Board has invited the vendor that applied the concrete application to our pitted steps and cracked approaches to the Walkabout to inspect the product.  

The Board is aware that some of the approaches and steps have cracked.  This will be addressed during the Walkabout.

2015 UPDATE:  The Board is currently collecting quotes to have the cracked/damaged approaches fixed.

2015 UPDATE: We are having issues in getting quotes to complete this project.  Any new updates will be posted here.

2015 UPDATE: We have found a reliable vendor to address our crumbling approaches and steps.  We are also exploring the option of a pebble finish on the steps.  

All steps and approaches in need of repair and/or requiring sealant will be addressed by September 15, 2015.

2015 UPDATE: The Board is considering a different application to the steps and approaches.  It is a pebble epoxy coating that is more aesthetically pleasing and has claims of being more durable.  One unit has been chosen to have this application applied.  The Board will monitor its durability over the winter to determine if this is a good fit for our community.

The remainder of this project will be deferred until next year, 2016.

2016 UPDATE The Board will investigate the new epoxy coating that was applied last year to see how it held up.  

Any new updates will be posted here.

2016 UPDATE: The Stoneeffects application used last year has stood up to the elements Calgary has thrown at us over the year and the steps and approach still look great.  Your Board has decided to continue using this application to all the the steps and approaches in need of repair.

All of those units that have been assessed as needing repair will be contacted separately via email to advise them of the process.

We anticipate this project being completed by the end of August 2016.

2016 UPDATE: The Vendor, Pro Properties, will be on site the week of July 25, 2016 to begin the repair of the steps and approaches.  If scheduling allows, they will be on site sooner.

2016 UPDATE:  The project has been delayed.  Expect work to begin the week of August 2, 2016.

2016 UPDATE: The application of the Stoneeffects requires there to be a curing time.  This curing time cannot include water.  With all the rain we have been getting makes it difficult to plan this application.  Pro Properties has this on their priority list.  When there is a dry spell expected this project will begin.  Because this project is so weather dependant there may be little to no notice when application begins.

2016 UPDATE: Eight steps and walkways in the community have begun the Stoneeffects process.  An issue has arisen regarding the steps and walkways becoming very slippery when wet.  The Vendor is investigating solutions and will have one shortly.  In the mean time it is asked that you please refrain from using your front steps and walkway until the process is completed.

The remaining Units that were earmarked after the Walkabout to have their steps completed this year may have to wait until next spring to be finished due to time constraints relating to weather.

2016 UPDATE: A solution to the slipperyness was addressed by adding a concrete additive to the final sealant coating.  The product has become grippy and deemed appropriate.

The remaining sixteen steps (twenty-four in total) were added to the slate this year.  We are hoping that the weather hangs on for a few more weeks to complete the steps that were started.  

The remaining steps will be reassessed in the spring 2017 Walkabout along with the project budget.

This project is deemed completed for this year and the remaining steps are deferred to next year.

2017 UPDATE: Your Board will review the application applied in 2016 and speak with Residents that had the application applied.  During the Walkabout all steps and approaches will be reviewed to determine what, if any, steps will be completed.

2017 UPDATE: The Board has appointed a Sub-Committee to assess the remaining steps and approaches to determine which ones are in need of being addressed this summer.  If your unit gets placed on the list you will be notified about start dates and what to expect.  Every effort will be made to minimize the inconvenience to you.

Stay Tuned ...

2017 UPDATE: The Sub-Committee has assessed each unit and presented its recommendations to the Board.  The Board will make a decision on which units will be completed this year.  Each owner that will be affected this year will be contacted directly.  

This project is deemed completed for this year.  The remaining units will be deferred for next year(s).


Parging is the decorative application around the bottom of the buildings under the siding.  This application is decorative only and does not serve any other function.  

There are some units that are experiencing parging damage.  The Board has requested quotes for repair.  


2014 UPDATE: The Board has approved a contractor to repair damaged parging.  There should be no inconvenience to Residents as access to Units will not be required.

2014 UPDATE: There will be a contractor on site the second week of September to repair the parging on the Units identified.  

2014 UPDATE: Due to scheduling issues with the contractor, this project has been deferred to the 2015 season.

2015 UPDATE: This will be on the Walkabout inspection report.

2015 UPDATE: The Board has approved this expense.  Work is scheduled to begin shortly.

2015 UPDATE:  Work is to begin by August 15, 2015.

2015 UPDATE: Due to scheduling conflicts this project has been delayed.  A start time has not been identified.

2015 UPDATE:  Between scheduling conflicts and managing costs, the Board had decided to defer this project for another year.  Parging along the foundation is purely aesthetic and serves no other purpose.  It is because of this fact alone that priority for this project lessens due to other pressing matters.

The Board will include this project for next year and will make every attempt to complete it. 

2016 UPDATE: The Board will review the parging during the 2016 Walkabout.  Details about this project will be posted here.

2016 UPDATE: We are having consistent issues finding a vendor that can repair the parging.  If anyone knows of anyone that can repair our parging please let us know.  The search continues ....

2016 UPDATE: We have received one quote for parging repair to date.  Due to amount of quote and the Board's commitment to Reserve Fund contributions, it was decided to defer the parging repairs for another year.

Please note that the parging facade on the building is for aesthetic purposes only and does not provide any structural function. 

2017 UPDATE:  During our 2017 AGM our Auditor, Shahid, informed us that he knows someone that actually repairs parging!  Boy are we excited!  Although, should the siding project go ahead we may not even need parging repairs as the siding can simply be extended further down the wall covering the parging.

We'll keep you updated.

2017 UPDATE:  Another contractor has been identified as a parging repairer.  Our fingers are crossed that we will find someone to fix our parging.

Stay tuned for updates.

2017 UPDATE: We've had a contractor assess our parging.  It was communicated that when the siding was first installed during construction they did not use the proper drip plates.  This allowed water to get in behind the parging which has caused all the damage not only to the parging but to the brick facade by the garage doors.  

Your Board is having conversations about possibility replacing the siding.  It makes no sense to repair the parging if it will only get damaged again due to lack of drip plates along the bottom edge of the siding.  We have currently reached out for a second option about the siding, drip plates and parging to ensure any financial committment is in all of our best interests.

The saga continues  ....

2017 UPDATE: The Board is working on acquiring the blueprints for the community.  This task has proven to be onerous. 

The Board referred to the Reserve Fund Study conducted in 2015 where the Engineer confirmed that the parging is for aesthetic purposes only and estmated that the siding should have a life span of 20+ years.  Repairing the parging before the siding is completed, so proper drip plates can be installed, is wasted money as the parging will only get damaged again.

The Board will defer the parging issue for 2 years (2019) at which time the parging and siding issue will be discussed at the same time.

Replacement Vinyl Siding:
During the walkabout scheduled for 2017, your Board will inspect the siding to determine if it's worthwhile to consider replacing this year. 

Any updates will be posted here.

UPDATE: The Board reviewed the Reserve Fund Study conducted in 2015 where the Engineer stated that our siding should have a life span of 20+ years.  The Board will revisit this project in 2 years (2019) to determine whether the siding should be repaired.  This project will also include the parging project.

2017 Canceled Projects

There are no cancelled projects as of yet.