Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

Things you didn't know
Little Free Library

Chaparral Estates has a Little Free Library with books and movies that is welcomed to be used by all its residents.  The rules are simple, "Take a book/movie; leave a book/movie."

Enjoy ....

There are several units that have sump pumps in their basements, These were installed by the builder for a reason specific to each unit. That means, if you have one, there's a reason for it.

Maintenance of the sump pumps is solely the owner's responsibility. If you do not service the sump pump and you have a leak, you are responsible for the damages in your unit and the Corporation may hold the owner responsible for all damages to the building as a result.

Please be sure you check to see if you have a sump pump and, if you do, please take care of it.
Chaparral Estates Claymation

Chaparral Estates is built on a clay foundation.  When it was built in 1998 there was no building code that required the use of weeping tile, therefore the builder did not install it.  Chaparral Estates uses two methods of moving water away from its structures.  The first is landscape grading; the other is the downspouts that are attached the the eaves.

More times than not, when the landscapers leave, they forget to place the downspouts down before leaving.  Should it rain while they are up this may cause water leakage for your unit as most downspouts terminate above the basement window wells.  The children in the community will often run around putting downspouts down however some could be missed.

If you hear of rain in the forecast, please have a look to make sure your downspouts are down. If they are not, please put them down and email so we can notify the landscapers.
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