Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

2020 Projects

2020 Ongoing Projects

All on-gong projects have been completed or deferred.  Please see below

2020 Completed Projects

Replacement Vinyl Siding:
The Board has contracted to EuroCon Construction to replace the siding, eaves and downspouts.  All owners will be contacted when work will be conducted on their building.  The Board will make all attempts to keep everyone involved with updates.

If you have any questions or concerns please email  It is asked to NOT speak to the contractor as a record needs to be maintained of all requests
UPDATE:  The siding project is scheduled to begin March 15, 2020, weather depending.  Those first affected will be emailed separately.

UPDATE:  The project is starting on March 9, 2020.  The owners of the first buildings have been notified.  The project is starting on buildings: 2-8, 82-88, 89-99.  The following is IMPORTANT information being shared with owners when their building is being started:

  • Remove all exterior items from around your unit and store within your garage or along the fence line.

  • Not to park your vehicle on your drive or garage (if your vehicle is needed) during construction.  You are invited to park in Visitor Parking for the period your building is being worked on ONLY.  Parking in Visitor Parking will be on first come, first served basis only.  Parking is always available outside the community on the street.

  • Parking in the North East Visitor Parking (beside unit #57) will be reserved for construction equipment and materials.

  • If you have children, please ensure they are instructed to NOT PLAY on any equipment AT ANY TIME.  In fact, please instruct children to leave all construction equipment alone AT ALL TIMES.  All efforts will be made to clean the site daily however items may be missed so it is crucial that children are aware to be careful.

  • The extra garbage bins placed in the community will be for construction waste only.  Please DO NOT use this for household waste, this includes dog waste bags.  Anyone observed using these bins for personal use may be subject to fines.

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please email so that proper follow-up can be conducted and followed-up.  Discussing issues with the construction team may impact timelines so please email

  • Please have patience.  It is always frustrating and annoying while progress is being made but please, have patience while we improve all our homes.

UPDATE: The siding project will begin on Monday March 16, 2020 - Snow or NO Snow.  There will be a garbage bin and a porta-potty on site for the contractors.  Please be sure to NOT use the garbage bins for household waste, including dog poop bags.  This will be monitored closely as offenders will be fined.
UPDATE: Please make sure that you follow the information provided above.  If there are items around your unit you WILL be charged to remove them.
UPDATE: Around all windows and doors Eurocon is installing NovaFlashing.  This flashing will help protect air leaking and water entering your unit.  If you'd like to read more about it click HERE.
UPDATE: When our communities were built the builder used an asphalt saturated sheathing (tar paper) as a house wrap.  This tar paper, although deemed "OK" in 1997-1998, did not allow buildings to "breathe" and ended up trapping moisture between the tar paper and wood structures.

Now that we are re-siding all the buildings, Eurocon is installing DuPont's Tyvek paper which is a non woven material that allows moisture to escape (thus not creating a mold environment) but does not allow moisture to penetrate from the outside.

What does this mean for you?  A more comfortable home environment that will protect your investment and cost less to heat and cool.
UPDATE: Parging repairs have been "on the books" for about 10 years.  It never got done because of budgeting, vendors or timing.  Your Board is happy to say that all parging repairs will be completed in conjunction with the siding project.  All effected units have been notified and repairs will begin shortly.

PARGING UPDATE: Some of the parging repairs are discoloured.  This is being repaired.
UPDATE: The has decided that in order to protect our investment, and to maintain consistency in the fronts, that no one will be able to make holes in the siding or fencing.  This means you cannot hang anything from the soffit, troughs, siding or fence that will create any kind of damage.
UPDATE: The garbage enclosures will also be getting a makeover during the siding project.  You'll see the sealed side doors being removed, the front doors being enlarged to fit the door gap which involves the front lattice being removed.  The whole community is getting a refreshed look.
UPDATE:  Please do not ask the trades for favours to do work around your unit or to give you extra supplies, like  longer downspout.  Any requests for extra supplies or services will be billed back to the owner.
UPDATE: The following buildings are deemed completed:
Building 1 (89-99)
Building 2 (2-8)
Building 3 (82-88)
Building 4 (74-80)
Building 6 (64-70)

The one item that is on the "To Do" List when the project is completed is replacement of the broken back electrical plates.
UPDATE: The siding project was completed on October 31, 2020.
Some Before, During and After Pictures
Back Lights:
All owners were asked to look at their back lights.  If there was any rust on the light, at all, the Board is asking owners to replace them.  All the black exterior lights that were on the front of the buildings, and replaced with the LED lights, have been saved and stored by the north east visitor parking lot (in front of unit 57) for owners to take to replace their rear lights.  

The Board asks that all rear lighting be addressed no later than August 15, 2020.  If your rusted (even just a bit) light has not been replaced by then the Board will replace it for you and charge you the electrician fees and (if no more back lights are available) the pricing of a new light.

UPDATE: All lights have been replaced.  This is completed

Exterior Lights:
During the siding project your outside lights will also be upgraded to a LED wafer pot light.  There will be a 6 inch wafer pot light above your front door and 2 - 4 inch wafer pot lights on the corner of each garage.  That means that every unit will have 3 exterior lights connected to their unit.  

During the siding project the electrician may need access to your unit and the outside switch.  Details will be emailed to everyone individually.
UPDATE:  The exterior lights being installed are:
1, 6 inch LED Wafer Light, 3,000 K pot light over the front door that produces 700 lumens (equivalent to 75 watts) of light that uses 12 watts of power
  • If this light was to run 10 hours/night every night for one year, you would see approximately the following added to your energy bill:
    • Currently the charge for 1 kWh is approximately $0.0579/kWh
    • To run the light 10 hours/night every night for one year would be 44 kWh/year
    • That would cost you $2.5476/YEAR to operate this light

2, 4 inch LED Wafer Light, 3,000 K pot light over each corner of the garage door that produces 500 lumens (equivalent to 60 watts) each of lights that uses 9 watts of power each
  • If these lights were to run 10 hours/night each night for one year, you would see approximately the following added to your energy bill:
    • Again, the charge for 1 kWh is approximately $0.0579/kWh
    • To run both of the lights 10 hours/night every night for one year would be 66 kWh/year
    • That would cost you $3.8214/YEAR to operate these lights

That is a total of $6.37 PER YEAR to keep ALL your lights on each night.  With numbers like these your Board is asking you to please turn your lights on at night.

UPDATE:  All units have had the LED lights installed.  This is completed.
Garage Trim:
Over the year some garage trim has gotten chipped or flaked.  According to the By-Laws, the trim around exerior doors and windows is an owner responsibility.  Please be sure to have a look at your garage trim and conduct any repairs as needed. 

The Board asks that this be completed by August 15, 2020.

UPDATE:  This will be an ongoing item.  It is completed for this year.

2020 Deferred Projects

Garage Doors:
Owners with a rusted and/or dented garage door were asked to replace (not repair) their door by August 15, 2020.  Repairs will not be accepted since, historically, they have not lasted and repairs were becoming unsightly.
The Board was able to get a quote from CGWood Renovations for $997.50/door which includes new door, rails and weather stripping.  If you are interested in getting this price email and your name, unit number and email will be provided to CGWood Renovations.
UPDATE: The deadline for garage doors has been extended to August 15, 2021.

2020 Cancelled Projects

There are no cancelled projects at this time