Chaparral Estates

"A Great Place to Live"

Chaparral Ridge Terrace SE

Calgary, Alberta

2012 Ongoing Projects

There are no ongoing projects.

2012 Completed Projects

Garage Trim:

The painting has been completed as of the end of August.

Back Filling:

The low spots on the complex have been addressed and this project was completed mid-August.

Spring Clean-up:

Spring clean-up was completed on May 4, 2012.

Visitor Parking Signs:

New NO PARKING/24 HOUR MAX signs were installed in May 2012 in all visitor parking areas to ensure all vehicles parked are moved each day.

Mailbox Pathway:

A pathway was constructed in May 2012 behind the mailboxes to help save the grass.  Residents are encouraged to use the pathway going to and from the mailboxes.

Going Batty:
The Bat House was installed on the 57-67 building block on July 21, 2012

Roadway Repairs:

The driveways and minor road repair was completed on July 30, 2012.


Chaparral Estates began a trial recycling program on June 1, 2012.  The program was so well received by the Residents that the Board has decided to continue the program.  As of August 1, 2012 Chaparral Estates became a full time recycling community.

Siding Repairs:

All siding repairs have been adressed.


There are three buildings in the complex that have been identified as having roofs in poor condition.  The Board has currently put to tender replacement of, at least, the three roofs.  Depending on price breaks and costs all eleven roofs may or may not be repaired this year.  All those being affected will be notified.


UPDATE:  We have collected quotes and weighted all options.  Your Board has decided that ALL roofs will be replaced this year.


UPDATE:  The roofers started the process June 19, 2012.  Targeted completion is slated for mid to late August 2012, weather permitting.


UPDATE:  The roof project, as of November 2012, is still not complete.  It will remain on the "To Be Completed" list until all issues are resolved.  Once resolved final payment will be forwarded to the contractors.


UPDATE:  There are still some outstanding cosmetic issues that need to be addressed.  We are hopeful everything can be completed for this year (2012) however realistically these remaining items might have to wait until Spring 2013.

COMPLETED:  This project is deemed complete as of March 1, 2013.

2012 Deferred Projects


The Ladybug project will be deferred this year.  We have had many stay/return so this year can be skipped.

Garage Doors:

All doors will be inspected for rust.  The Board will be looking at ensuring that damaged doors are replaced.  Owners affected will be contacted directly. 


This will be revisited on April 30, 2013.

Brick Facade:

The esthetic brick work on the front of the buildings is in need of repair.  Your Board is determining on whether this repair will be part of the 2013 season or a future one.


UPDATE:  The project has been deferred due to competing priorities.  The Board will revisit this issue during the 2013 Walkabout.

2012 Cancelled Projects

There are no cancelled projects at this time.